Appraise &
Contact us today for a FREE, no obligation consultation.
You locate, we negotiate.
The service is designed for clients who would like to take on the task of searching and locating their preferred property, but also still want the advantages of having a professional representation during the critical stages of value appraisals and negotiations / auctions. This service is only available in Sydney.
The agency agreement for the Appraise & Negotiate service typically covers between 3 and 4 properties, i.e. you could use the the service up to three or four times. If still unsuccessful, an additional service could be purchased, or you could simply upgrade to the Full Service (which offers unlimited number of properties and negotiations).
At the start, we assist you to get the search underway but essentially you will be doing all the legwork yourself. Once you have identified and inspected properties you like, we take over from there and handle the appraisals, negotiations and auctions.
Our expertise ensures that you know the true market value and do not overpay. Importantly, you would not be taken advantage of by the experienced sales agents during the negotiations or make a costly mistake at an auction. We will save you the hassle and stress and ensure that you are buying your preferred property at the lowest possible price.
Feel welcome to contact us today for a free no-obligation consultation.
Is the Appraise & Negotiate service suitable for me?
Essentially, this service is suitable for clients who have free time for the internet search and the numerous open inspections, mostly on weekends. You also need time to speak to and get to know numerous sales agents.
Besides time, you need a good knowledge of the suburbs where you are searching, be sure about property values and have confidence you are selecting properties which could be purchased within your budget. If this sounds like you, then the Appraise & Negotiate service could be appropriate. It would also be less expensive than the Full Property Search.
What's involved.
1. Free no-obligation consultation
We learn about your circumstances and requirements, suggest how we could help you and answer any questions you may have.
2. Agency agreement
We present you with a fixed price quote for the service. To engage us you then enter into a standard Buyer’s Agency Agreement and pay the engagement fee.
3. Your Property Brief
We can help you to develop your own property brief and point you in the right direction making your research and search more effective. However, the research and the search brief are basically in your hands.
4. You locate the property
You shortlist, inspect and evaluate a whole range of properties. Once you have found a property you like, it is essential that you keep a low profile and do not engage in any discussions or negotiations with the selling agent. We personally inspect the property and prepare a market appraisal. For investors we can prepare further reports such as rental appraisal, development potential and capital growth statistics.
5. Negotiate & acquire
Once we have your go ahead, we proceed to secure the property for you. We develop the best strategy to secure the property at the lowest possible price and on the best terms and conditions for you. We submit offers and conduct negotiations with the selling agents. We prepare for and attend auctions, bidding on your behalf. We ensure that contracts are signed / exchanged in a timely manner.
6. Assist with other services
We can coordinate the necessary professional services such as solicitors and conveyancers to ensure that the contract and other documents are in order. We can also coordinate reputable building and pest inspections, quantity surveyors, property management, etc (third-party fees apply).
7. Settlement assistance
We offer any assistance you may need to ensure smooth settlement. We liaise with your conveyancer and broker and conduct pre-settlement inspection whenever possible.
The agency agreement for the Appraise & Negotiate service covers between 3 and 4 properties within the duration of the agreement.